About Us

A Few Words About The Belanger

We create a top-notch customer experience by fusing Pune's rich tailoring history with the best tools and automation.

Our goal is to transform the way the garment business operates worldwide, not only in India. Standard dimensions and widely used patterns cannot be the rule. You should have a unique sense of style. Every item of apparel is tailored specifically for you. Landfills all across the world are filled with millions of tonnes of extra inventory each year. Workers receive poor working conditions and low pay anywhere in the world. We intend to rectify it.

Credibility & Sustainability

The Belanger shares the same core objectives of sustainability, moral production, and exceptional quality. It has a defined history. We use environmentally friendly raw materials and packaging.

Product Knowledge

The brand's creator is extremely invested in and enthusiastic about their merchandise. You can be confident that there will never be a compromise made regarding the quality of the product or the methodology used to create it because he is dedicated to the principles and ideals around which it was founded.

The Client

We concentrate on the clients in front of us rather than expanding to a billion. We treat our customers like family and offer styling and sizing assistance, which has helped us keep customers throughout the years.

Highest Quality and Accurate Techniques

We place a lot of value on the shirts' lineage. We have carefully chosen a number of fabric suppliers from around the globe. We only use the best raw materials. Every aspect is examined. Only modern equipment and clearly defined techniques are used in our manufacturing process. The total of the elements doesn't make the ideal shirt. Even if it means you buy less, we want your clothes to last you longer.

Made with Pride in Pune

Our sources of inspiration include the people, the architecture, and the quirks that make Pune unique. We miss the days when the producer and the consumer were intimately connected and when each and every article of clothing was customised for the wearer. We're happy.

The Belanger is an Indian online menswear business that was established in 2023. Our goal is to demonstrate that Pune can produce goods and services of the highest calibre.

Highest Quality and Accurate Techniques

We place a lot of value on the shirts' lineage. We have carefully chosen several fabric suppliers from across the globe. We only use the best raw materials. Every aspect is examined. Only modern equipment and clearly defined techniques are used in our production process. The total of the elements doesn't make the ideal shirt. Even if it means you buy less, we want your clothes to last you longer

Made with Pride in Mumbai

We get inspiration from the place we call home, from the people, the architecture, and the little details that make Mumbai unique. We miss the days when the consumer was close to his creator and each item of clothing was customized for the wearer. We take pride in the clothes we produce for you and are happy to do so in Mumbai

How come The Belanger?

Belanger was founded simply out of necessity for the owner. a demand for precisely sized, high-quality shirts that are also reasonably priced.

The sole reason the company was founded was a personal need. a demand for high-quality, cost-effective shirts that are both good in quality and fit. We evolved from an online ecommerce company over the past few years. Due to our zero inventory policy, we don’t have a significant amount of unsold fabric sitting around in warehouses that would otherwise be dumped in landfills. Just-in-time orders are made for our fabrics and raw ingredients. We choose our fabric suppliers and shirt manufacturers carefully and intentionally. You can choose from a variety of ready-made shirts that we have. Convenient online shirt shopping

We offer everything with accuracy, whether you’re looking for a workwear shirt, a casual shirt, or a formal shirt. When you buy tailored fit shirts from us, our committed customer-service team is here to take care of all of your needs. And if you’re unhappy with the way your shirt fits, we’ll do everything in our power to make things right. Simply send a message to our customer service team, and we will respond with the best option. The Belanger Company works arduously to provide you with a shirt that you are happy with. Each shirt is individually created by you and expertly tailored by us for a better fit. If you haven’t tried shopping with us yet, we encourage you to do so.

These materials are brought into a perfect harmony of personalization, ultra-modern design and sartorial craftsmanship. Every man likes to wear branded shirts that would set him apart. Men’s clothing is what creates the first impact when it comes to personality. So we believe that it is everyman’s right to choose bespoke shirts online, fit his size. The designs and styles of men’s clothing you would find with The Belanger have been influenced by the latest swing in the fashion industry. These shirts are made from the best-in-class materials sourced from different parts of the world.  On our website, you can find shades like  grey, merlot, lavender, dandy pink, cognac, beige, tiffany blue, ink black, etc. Linen Linen is fast-growing to be the most desired fabric in the menswear fashion industry.  A dress shirt is like a canvas that tells other people about your personality. A shirt that doesn’t fit you properly can look entirely out of place and floppy. When going to a party or appearing in an important interview, the last thing you want is a floppy shirt. It creates the recipe for a wrong first impression. With the world moving forward online, everyone at some point has shopped for a shirt through a shopping website. 

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